Wednesday, 1 August 2012

It's starting to feel close now

Things are starting to feel normal again after the middle east, and Indias. Suddenly Radar and radios all appear to work and, as a result we pilots are able work less hard. Flying across Thailand, Malaysia and into Singapore, the Air traffic controllers all knew where we were and where we wanted to go.

We flew through some pretty busy airspace including Kuala Lumpur and Singapore. The controllers had plenty of big planes to manage but also handled us beautifully including vectoring us skillfully in low visibility conditions to join downwind for runway 03 at Seletar.

Singpore organisation was well evident. We didn't have any handlers and the processing stuff was completely finished in 20 minutes.

As an ex-resident of Singapore, I would have enjoyed the opportunity of staying in the city and catching up with friends. But such a luxury does not fit with our mission which is to get home ASAP. So I am staying in Upper Serrangoon, which has the closest hotel to Seletar, in a room where three of the walls are full mirrors. Hmmmm. I wonder if I am going to get much sleep. Donna, don't you be making the Banfields blush again ok?

Jan shouted me delicious Singapore hawker food for my birthday. I forgot how good it is.

Denpasar Bali tomorrow.


  1. Hi Tony, it was good to meet you and Jan in Empuria brava. Glad to see your making better progress now. Good luck with the rest of your journey.


  2. And I enjoyed meeting you and Rohan also. Hope the ankle is back to full usability and your meat bomb runs are pinpoint accurate. Thanks for checking the blog out.
