Sunday, 5 August 2012


A crispy pre-sunrise arrival at the Coober Pedy airport made for some special photos and a smooth departure on runway 22. The heater was soon put to good use.

Blessed once again with good tailwinds, we quickly caught up with a low pressure trough that created showers and a good amount of broken clouds between 3500 and 8000 feet.

No matter. VH-SMY climbed easily over the top and we flew in good conditions over Andamooka, Lake Torrens, the south of the Flinders Ranges and Waikerie.

About 50 miles out of Horsham, near Nhill, we found a hole in the clouds and made a big circle down through the hole to the underlying rain showers which we used to bathe the plane.
A strong wind found me bouncing the plane down the runway in a not overly alarming manner and we pulled up without difficulty on the last stop on our epic.

Tony Brand was there to meet us and we soon escaped the bitter breeze and showery weather by pushing the Saratoga into the hangar.

Jan was quickly onto the tasks of removing the ferry tank system and HF radio but we dragged him away from the tasks for a lovely lunch with Wendy and Tony.

Tony lent me the use of one of his cars to make the run into Melbourne and I am soon to take the red rodent from Tulla to Sydney. Who knows, perhaps this will be the last time.

Is this an anticlimax? Sure feels like it.

Approximate Track miles:    602
Hobbs time:       4.2
Fuel uplift in Coober Pedy:   200 litres
Fuel price per litre:   $2.32

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