Long day in the seat today. We managed to get away at around 8am for the flight along the edge of Israel and across Saudi Arabia. Honestly, there is only so much sand a bloke can look at.
We crawled our way up to the required 13000 feet which I will tell you is as high as I have been in a small plane. At that altitude hypoxia can be an issue but we were fine.

For the most part, we flew through dusty haze though a 30 second shower did just enough to make sure that some Saudi dust will come back to Australia. There were thermals making the trip a bit bumpy - some might call it a lot bumpy but it was fine for me.
Crop Circles in the Desert |
The best bit of the trip was the descent over the water past the city of Bahrain and into the humongous airport. There was amused dialogue between the tower and some kind of Boeing waiting for us to land. Tower says "Boeing xxx after the landing aircraft. Um have they landed? I can't see them". Boeing says "I can see them. It is a Seneca. They are about to land". "ok line up after the landing".
It is hot here but handling was efficient and we are happily checked into the Novotel after an air-conditioned car ride. The contrast between al Arish and here is marked. There are NO old cars here and most of the buildings are finished.
I looked for evidence of David Trayners constructions but was not able to identify anything specific.
Tomorrow's plan is Karachi, a stop necessitated by a lack of Avgas at Mumbai.
Approx Track Miles: 1,174NM
Hobbs Hours: 8.9
Fuel Added Before: 260
Price per Litre: USD $5.12
So you are going to beautiful down town Karachi.
ReplyDeleteTrust you miss the monsoon, as well as the usual difficulties!!!
Am in Bangkok! But only for next 20 minutes
ReplyDeleteI must say a few Aircrash Investigation episodes came to mind reading your description of the Boeing waiting for you. Yes, he makes me watch them! Tony, I'm sure you can remember the episode where the tower thought the pilot had the Cessna in sight but they didn't and it was all a bit of a miscommunication. I hope you were interjecting with, "Can you really see us?"
ReplyDeleteAircrash investigations. A pilots compulsory viewing.
ReplyDeleteMore patience required this morning. It is 40 degrees and we had to wait for fuel. Then I remembered that I left cash in the safe at the hotel. Then flight plan issues as usual. Departing 930 local hopefully.