Saturday, 21 July 2012

Day off

There is nothing we can do today. It is Sunday and the Hangar is closed.

So I guess a day wandering around the town. I might hang out at the airport anyway and watch the parachutists landing.


  1. Anyway it sounds a pleasant place to have a day's lay-off.
    I hope the Spanish are better at estimating delivery periods than my friends here. A section of power cable burnt out due to everyone running their air conditioners.We ordered a replacement promised 6pm Friday. It still hasn't arrived at midday Sunday.And is almost as desperately needed as your bit!

  2. a day off in the Mediterranean in July!! I know I where I would be. BEACH!!

  3. Know where I would like to be! Mentioned to Donna last night that my feelings oscillate between apprehension and envy. Keeping fingers crossed you get droopy gear fixed asap.

  4. maybe Viagra for the droopy gear
    E P

  5. Hey Tony,
    Heres a list of tools and their applications you will need to do the job on the landing gear.

    Eric P

    1. Love it.

      Ez out. The most useless tool known to man in my experience. Works exactly as described by Bennington
